Asian Profile Volume 35 No. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
Volume 35 No.1 February, 2007
Title Author
Sino-Kazakh Alignment in the Age of Terror: Anticipating the Economic Impact and Geopolitical Security Wai Yip Ho
The Sultanate of Oman's Foreign Policy: An Assessment of Pre and Post 9/11 Developments Christopher G Anderson
The Unfair Trade Problem in Thai-US Trade Relations John M Rothgeb, Jr. & Benjamas Chinapandhu
Malaysia: The Roles of State and Foreign Capital in Regional Development Mohamed Aslam & Asan Ali Golam Hassan
Patterns of Sex Ratio in Punjab: 2001 Gurinder Kaur & Raminder Kaur
Determinants of Health Status of Elderly People in Bangladesh

I.M. Shafiqul Kalam & Hafiz T.A. Khan

Volume 35 No.2 April, 2007
Title Author

Power Structure and Recent Political Development in Korea

Lew Seok Choon
Exploring the Predictive Strengths of Stochastic Pavement Deterioration Models: A Case Study of Thailand's Highway Network Dussadee Satirasetthavee & Pannapa Herabat
The Rise and Rise of the Ulema in Pakistan and the Reassertion a Medieval Culture of Power: 1947-1952 Ilhan Niaz
Export-Oriented Industrialization and Changes in the Composition of Labor Demand in Malaysia Evelyn Devadason
Does India's Trade Balance Evidence J-Curve Effects? A Bilateral Analysis Purna Chandra Parida & Rajesh Kumar
Women's Political Participation in Bangladesh: Does Presence Ensure Representation? Pranab Kumar Panday
Volume 35 No.3 June, 2007
Title Author

The Integration of Asian Muslims in the Multicultural Mosaic of China

Syed Serajul Islam & Md. Saidul Islam
Internationalisation of MNCs: Lessons from Malaysia National Oil Corporation – the Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas) Philip j. Kitchen & Syed Zamberi Ahmad
Power without Political Legitimacy: The Cause of Thaksin’s Downfall Choon-Yin Sam
Growth of Urban Population and Trends of Urbanization in North Bengal, India:
A Study in Spatio-Temporal Perspective
MD. Julfikar Ali & MD. Mustaquim
Exchange Rate Determination: Random Walk Hypothesis Revisited V. Selvam & Purna Chandra Padhan
An Alternative Technique of Estimating Marginal Propensity to Consume (MPC) and Average Propensity to Consume (APC) for Different Income Groups: A Case Study of Chittagong, Bangladesh MD. Masum Emran
Race as Western Hegemony in Social Science Research: Implications of Eurocentrism for Southeast Asian Populations Ronald E. Hall
Volume 35 No.4 August, 2007
Title Author

The Impact of Changes in Multilateral and Regional Trade Policy Regimes on Textiles and Clothing Sectors of China: A General Equilibrium Analysis

Sadequl Islam
East Asian Industrial Development: The Flying Geese or International Production Networks? Kaoru Natsuda & Kozo Otsuka
Assessing the Performance of Public Hearing as Participation Tool for Effective Governance in Project Management in Thailand Ektewan Manowong
The Roll of Srilankan Women in Reproductive Decision-making Lakshman Dissanayake
Nationalism, Regionalism and Federalism: The Geographical Basis of Some Conflicting Political Concepts in India Sudeepto Adhikari & Ratan Kumar
Participation in Forestry: The Role of Patron-Client Relationship in Ensuring People’s Participation
in the Social Forestry Policy of Bangladesh
Saber Ahmed Chowdhury
Volume 35 No.5 October, 2007
Title Author

Domestic Politics and the Making of US Foreign Policy Towards China During Bush’s First Term: The Case of US Textile Industry

Jackson K.S. Cho & Wong Yiu-Chung
Homeless Population in Japan Arup Mitra & Hajime Sato
Adequacy of Retirement Income: A Study of Pension Fund in Malaysia Fazilah Abdul Samad & Fatimah Kar
Reconsidering the Pubic Transport Regulations: A Case of the Passenger Vans in Bangkok, Thailand Supaporn Kaewko Leopairojna & Shinya Hanaoka
Status of Women Under Free Marketism: With Special Reference to the Rural Kumar Das & Banishree Das
Equality in the Context of International Development: Evidence from Bangladesh S.M. Humayun Kabir & Mohammed abu Bakar Siddique
2004 Tsunami Relief Efforts: An Overview Bimal Kanti Paul
Volume 35 No.6 December, 2007
Title Author

Transcending the Outsider’s Role: A Japanese Superstar in Japan and Hong Kong

Yau Shuk-Ting
Globalizing Kuala Lumpur: Competitive City Strategies Under Dr. Mahathir Mohamed Sirat Morshidi & Sivamurugan Pandian
Perceptions of Public Officials Toward New Public Management Reforms in the United Arab Emirates Abu Elias Sarker
The Development Strategy of the Vietnamese Export Oriented Garment Industry: Vertical Integration or Process and Product Upgrading? Kenta Goto
Changing Patterns of Global Financial Flows: Impact on Indian Economy Shailendra.Kumar Rai & A. Sahay
The Bonn Agreement and Making of Democracy in Afganistan Wahabuddin Ra’ees
State of Public Sector Salary in Bangladesh and Its Implications for Good Governance: A Critical Appraisal of the Fund-Bank Advice Nitai C. Nag & Mohammad T.H. Chowdhury